In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on. “Like a comet pulled from orbit, As it passes a sun. Like a stream that meets a boulder, Halfway through the wood. Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better? But I have been changed for good.” Those…
Guide to a Minimalist Closet
Minimalism has taken the world by storm. Not only does a minimalist lifestyle eases the burden on overused credit cards, financial uncertainty and environmental concerns it also teaches you that there is more to life than material possessions.Being a minimalist is a state of mind, and not a set of rules.It helps you focus. Decluttering is therapeutic and helps relieve the stress.Open spaces also spark creativity and joy.
Qoi Porter
Quoi Porter is french for ‘What to Wear’ which sums up the dilemma every woman goes through in the morning.Don’t we all want to stay up to date with the current trends and wish to have couture in our wardrobe? But what happens when we go out shopping and find the cost exceeding a weeks paycheque ?Do I really need that pair of boots? Should I spend 10k on that exquisite leather biker jacket? to answer these questions go ahead and read my post on splurge vs save
Tales from My Hometown ~Lucknow
Lucknow is the place I spent most of my childhood and adolescence days.Its a town with simplicity and long history.The town is popular all across India as “Tehszeeb Ka shehar” meaning city with culture.Language spoken here is a Hindi with a tough of Awadhi and Urdu, it’s soft and respectable to hear.Lucknow is famous for its TUNDAY KEBABS and CHIKAN EMBROIDERY and has quite a few HISTORICAL MONUMENTS.Lucknow is also known as a education hub,SGPGI,KGMC,IIM-L,IET and several other colleges and institutes here.
Makeup Tutorial
These are trying times and I hope we all get through this soon. Put your best face forward every day. While a smile is your best fashion accessory nothing beats a simple- correct, conceal, contour, brighten routine.
One of the biggest epidemic hitting our generation is not any disease by loneliness itself. It’s time we acknowledge the elephant in the room. Loneliness is a dirty word carrying a stigma of shame. Loneliness does not stem from solitude per se. You can be surrounded by 100 people and still feel lonely. The major reason for…
50 Things to Be Happy About
Well you don’t really need a reason to be happy. But with the capitalistic and materialistic society we live in , we need “reasons” to be happy. so here is a list. Print it out and add it to your refrigerator. Let the gratefulness warm your hearts everyday.Do what makes you happy and you will…
How to Beat JetLag
Even in an era of perpetual electronic availability, these automated missives land in our inboxes with shocking frequency. While most vacationing email recipients keep it simple (listing the contact information of their next-in-command and making a vague promise to get back to you by a certain date), some cannot resist the opportunity to inject a…
House Plants
House plants, this post is an excerpt from my 8m² balcony/garden. The pandemic has changed our social lives and it seems we are living in our minds and our homes pretty much 24X7. Spending time with nature can help a lot in alleviating symptoms of depression, loneliness, anxiety, and stress. House plants are super fun to…