We’re going on almost a year of living in all things cozy and I for one am not tired of it haha( ok may be a little tired but that is mostly attributed to endless WFH and Zoom fatigue if you may). Even though life isn’t back to normal yet, it’s amazing what a difference a little bit of sunshine can make.Sharing a few of my favourites for this season.I am super excited to share the launch of my first TCW Apothecary shop here and on Etsy. I know it can be really challenging to stay creative and motivated with the never ending pandemic boredom. I know we have had a tough last year but there is more good to come, the vaccine is available and I hope this nightmare will end soon enough. With that being said let’s talk about what I have been doing past few weeks.If I were to best describe my experience in two words it would be renewed self-awareness.Aside from daily mask-clad garden walks and weekly pilgrimages to buy groceries, life has been put on pause, save for IG and Zoom chats. Fewer “distractions,” it seems, is magnifying… well, me.

If you have been following me on instagram(@akan_sh_ha) you know I am a lover of all things natural, organic and pure. I don’t like putting chemical sin my body, skin being the largest organ in our body needs special care and attention. If there is one thing I would like to mention is the lack of regulation in the beauty and cosmetic industry, I see numerous brands popping daily making claims to be THE elixir you need for various needs. To be honest everything you need is already there with you , available in the comfort of your home, a little kitchen witchery if you will.

I got started with some DIY organic products and thought of making this small tutorial on how to create your own decadent luxurious rose body butter enriched with goodness of Vitamin C,E and A.I personally love its natural floral fragrance from the roses, hibiscus imparts a rater earthy aroma and I also like to add in a few drops of frankincense, myrrh and lavender for some extra magic.Made from sweet almond oil, shea butter, beeswax, rose powder, rose petals and vitamin E,C-rich hibiscus flowers, this DIY body butter makes head-to-toe supple skin a reality. Safe for babies, and good for self-love, too!
Coming to spring cleaning, I am just starting to clean my closet, arrange and keep away my warm cozy sweaters. I know it’s only the mid of March , but our heads and closets are ready for spring. We love our snuggly sweaters, but we’re ready to shed them for sleeker silhouettes, bold pairings and floral frenzy.If I were to pick 3 things that I love for spring I would say I am a sucker for draped, feminine blouses, a well-fitted blazer, black strappy heels.
Making instagram reels is also a new found hobby of mine. I know its not much but I think it important to keep busy and do something fun and quirky.Linking some of my favourites here.
That’s all folks
I hope you enjoyed reading, love your support and encouragement. I love hearing from you all, comment down below and let me know what you like to carry in your bag.
Much Love