Autumn arrived suddenly, swooping in with cool breezes that sent the leaves into a whirlwind. I stood on my porch watching the maple shed its green cloak. Crimson and amber fluttered down, carpeting the lawn. The last heirloom tomatoes ripened on sagging vines while pumpkins swelled among their prickly stems.
I breathed deep. The seasons changed once more.
It was time to fortify ourselves against winter’s chill. I gathered ingredients from the garden – horseradish root, onions, ginger, garlic, turmeric. Tart apples and pungent rosemary from a neighbor. Raw local honey and tangy lemons from the store.
Simmering cider vinegar melted their essence, swirling into a tonic alive with spice and healing. Its garnet tones and piquant perfume filled my kitchen as I decanted the elixir into amber bottles.
One sip instantly invigorated, zesty and sharp on my tongue. The fire cider would nourish us through the frosty months ahead. I pictured cozy evenings sipping its vital heat, memories of autumn’s brilliant colors dancing in our minds.
Outside, acorns pattered down from the weary oaks. I smiled, thankful for nature’s remedies that connect us to the seasons. however the wind blew, we would weather it together.
Leaves burst into flames of red and gold, Falling from weary boughs so old. Woodsmoke scents the chilling air, As we gather around the bonfire’s flare.
In the orchard, apples heavy on each branch, Fill baskets – Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, MacIntosh.
Plucked from the vine, plump pumpkins join the haul,
To adorn porches, await the harvest ball.
Then to the kitchen, a simmering brew, Spicy cider tangy and true.
Horseradish, ginger, garlic by the bulb, Turmeric’s glow, lemon’s tart rub. Kick of heat, scent of spice, The elixir of autumn we gladly slice.
Mugs in hand, we take our place, next the leaping bonfire’s embrace.
Flames crackle, sparks spiral high, as we sip cider ‘neath starry sky.
Bellies warm, cheeks ruddy and flushed, In this seasonal magic we’re happily hushed.
The wind whispers winter waits in the wings, But on this night, for autumn we sing!