Hi Everyone ! I hope you are doing well. In this blog post I will be spilling the tea on skincare brands and a special focus on Indian Skin issues and products best suited for Indian Skin. The Hype around acids and serums and what you need to know.We will also look into Korea beauty, fermented skin care products.Indian skin is naturally rich in melatonin and unlike Caucasian skin is less prone to sun burns but more prone to tanning.Our skin is more susceptible to pigmentation, dark spots, uneven skin tone and premature ageing. Indian diet is not at all nutritious, most of us don’t consume 5 different colours of fruits or vegetables. Our food is rich in carbohydrates, low in protein and vitamin, not to mention we overcook and lose on healthy nutrients for the most part.India is a good market for a lot of international skincare brands owing to the high buying power and aggressive marketing strategies.I see so many brands such as BodyShop, BathBodyWorks, FaceShop, Goop, Pilgrim selling on most e-commerce platforms in India.There are also popular myths around skincare and unfortunately the poor uneducated and ill- informed audience will throw money at anything that promises quick, non-toxic and effective skin care solutions.

I suggest everyone to do their own research and not buy into false claims these brands make. Most of them cost at least $20 which according to an average household income in India is considerably high.India is still the dumping ground for bad work, cheap labour for the first world nations. I wouldn’t rant about the worker exploitation and inhuman work hours in this post but just saying we don’t make enough money to fall for cheap theatrics by these cosmetic brands. Trust me these brands will fall short when put to the test. This is also applicable to home grown brands such as Mamaearth, Dot & Key, Himalaya and Patanjali. They are ripping people off and it’s time we stop using their products. We all know FMCG companies make the most amount of money and for good reason.With that being said let’s deed dive into the first topic and that is Indian Skin and its top concerns.
Sorry I know I stalled a little bit there. It’s just tough to find motivation these days to do anything, it’s been over 2 months in lockdown and most of us are driven stir crazy. Anyway gets start talking about no BS skincare routine, now before I deep dive always remember that skin care does not equal self-care. Even though you might feel relaxed after a skin care routine the two must always be kept separate from each other. I know a lot of brands are selling skincare products as a mode to promote wellness and self-care but that is a truckload of BS that no one has time for. We need real products that work.
I am going to start with the basics, the essential must-haves and then move on to fancier things that are nice to have.First and foremost you all need a face wash that is gentle, exfoliating and preferably one that is free from parabens , sulphates and harmful chemicals. You don’t need a chemical peel or a peel off exfoliant. A simple drug store cleanser is good enough. I recommend Kaya, they have a wide range of face-washes for all skin types and most of them are priced under $5.Don’t be fooled by the low pricing, I have been using this face-wash for over 2 years now, my skin is loving it and so am I.

There is also an expensive version of face wash by Dermalogica which is ok but if you wish to splurge you can try it. I also recommend Faceshop, which has rice water and fermented face wash that I personally found quite good, it was also below $10 and I would call it in the mid-prized range. Just a reminder this is not a sponsored post and we all have different skin types, what works for me may or may not work for you. Please patch test your skin before trying new products. Your skin regenerates every 30days so avoid switching products more often than 30 days. And as always please consult your skincare professional if you have any pre-existing skin conditions or sensitivity. This is just a guide not a fool-proof solution to all skin problems.
Next up, Vitamin C serum. I cannot stress enough how good vitamin C serum is for your skin.It clears out your skin, gets rid of pigmentation, darks pots, texture and such. Vitamin C is not produced by the human body and we must consume vitamin C in form of fruits or a health supplement preferably natural and not the synthetic abscorbic acid.I personally found the brand the minimalist to be fantastic when it comes to vitamin C serums, they are priced under $8 and you may even get a 10% discount so its a fair deal. A slightly more expensive one is by the ordinary which is about $12 but still quite good. The product is clean and effective, I have noticed a significant change in my skin quality and health overall.
Next, let’s talk acids. My favourite one is Hyaluronic acid. If I were to describe this acid in one work it would be HYDRATION.This is a great acid for your skin as it helps to draw moisture into the skin and promote hydration.You should always use a small amount and always apply on wet skin, not damp wet. Otherwise you may experience dryness in your skin. Again I personally found the brand the minimalist to be fantastic when it comes to serums and acids, they are priced under $8 and you may even get a 10% discount so its a fair deal. A slightly more expensive one is by the ordinary which is about $12 but still quite good.
Next, Face oil. I know a lot of people out there don’t like the concept of face oil thinking it would clog their pores and most people with oily skin would run away from face oil. But that is not true. There are face oils such as jojoba oil, rosehip that are so close in their constituents to the oil our skin produces. They can be used to cure all sorts of skin problems. I use a personal blend for this one but again you can feel free to venture out and settle on a face oil that you like.
Next, Face masks.Yes there are infinite number of face masks available in the market these days. My favourite ones are aztec clay mask, kaolin clay and bentonite clay.The way clay masks work is by inducing a slight inflammation to your skin.This draws blood to the top layers of your skin and gives it the circulation it needs, bright and looking soft supple skin.You can also opt for facials but don’t go too extreme, fruit facials are usually harmless but avoid adding bleach to any part of your body. I understand the Indian beauty standards where even the celebrities endorse white skin when we are naturally blessed with wheatish skin. Its an unfortunate societal conditioning and about 70% Indian cosmetics are still focussed on skin-whitening.
Last and the most important one is Sunscreen. Yes I know you might be indoors whole day but that doesn’t mean you are not exposed. Sun both UVA and UVB rays can be horrible for the skin. Opting for a good sunscreen to apply throughout the day will help to prevent any sun damage dark spots and pigmentation. Indian skin in rich in melanin and more prone to tanning as well as ageing.

Thats all folks ! I hope you enjoyed reading.
If there are any suggestions or ideas you wish to share with me you can reach out to me at mailto:theclosetweekly.com.
Much Love