Hey, hello there ! I know for those of you in India things have taken a dark turn and the daily spikes in coronavirus cases and deaths are causing a lot of anxiety and frustration. Given the population is several billions, the health infrastructure has crippled and like most countries -Italy, Brazil we are pretty much on own to take care of ourselves and protect our family members from an infection or any such stress related diseases.I find it interesting that while the dangers of stress are known to most people, tag lines such as like “smoking kills” , “sitting in the new smoking”, “alcohol can cause liver damage” fail to exist for stress. I am sorry for the delay in this post, I am also facing a lot of stress and anxiety(yes this post is written keeping in mind the current climate) and with that comes the constant need to procrastinate and just overall no motivation, lot to get done and so little will to do it. Before you perceive me as a lazy person, I wrote out the draft for this past at 1am so that I don’t end up pushing it down a to-do list.
A lesser known fact is that negative emotions such as stress, guilt, worry, loss can put our body in overdrive and lead to diseases if left unchecked. Loss , guilt and worry are associated with the throat chakra and they impact our thyroid gland.Why do you think a leading proportion of women are suffering from weight gain, thyroid, PCOS, Fibromyalgia , Lupus and other such immune and hormonal dis-balance related disorders? What do you think is the leading cause of receding hairline in men? is it just genetics or has stress and lifestyle got to do something with it? We are living fairly elaborate and busy lives.This puts us at the risk of constant on the go and fight or flight mode. Its good to have your adrenaline shoot up when you are in a precarious situation because the sole purpose of your hormones is survival. If left unchecked and out of control this can lead to fatigue, one that affects you on a deep emotional level and not just your physical self. With that being said let’s discuss the solution and not the problem.

In this post we will discuss ways you can boost your health and well-being, reconnect with your true self, and call upon the energies of everything around you – herbs, stones, and elements to care for yourself spiritually.I recently bought a book on self-care and learnt how important it is to prioritise self-care- physical, mental and spiritual. Due to the pandemic most of us are constantly consuming content, news, social media feed and it has depleted our energy. How? you may ask. One we are living a lot in our heads now, constantly assessing, evaluating every situation as it comes. I know quite a few people who are battling pandemic depression and not feeling cheerful as they would usually do. A simple and easy fix for this is to avoid reading the news first thing in the morning. Just delay it for the first 2 hrs of your day so that you have enough time to set a positive affirmation and intentions for the day. You don’t want a stupid news outlet that has probably exaggerated the information to suit their personal benefits and drive more readers/viewers(PS. this is how advertisers and news channels make money). I am repeating again
Do not check the news first thing in the morning, wait for a few hours before you get your daily dose of social media
Next I want you to start your day with a positive affirmation, you can simply begin by thanking your sources and tell yourself that you are awesome. I have a small symbol for you to draw, you can either stick in on your roof to remind yourself or just place it on your workplace as a reminder if you ever find yourself plagued by self-doubt, fear and or anxiety.What you are feeling is valid and you are going to put it all behind you and win. Tell yourself you can move on from this, let this be done. You never realise how powerful words can be, they literally can frame your reality. I am not talking wishful thinking, I am telling you the way you think affects how you act, how you act becomes your reality. Always keep in mind to keep your thoughts clear and positive.Your thoughts have a way of manifesting themselves, so if you’re constantly worrying about that little thing or think that may be you are not good enough fill in the blank that is what you become. A major percentage of the human population is spending countless hours worrying about the things that they do not want that they never become mindful and focus on what they want. Seems simple but it’s a hard concept to get.

Next up is practising mindfullness. I know being mindful has become the buzzword of the 21st century but how do we practise it?Start small, with activities such as beginning your day with positive affirmations, you can even maintain a self-care journal with list of areas you want to focus on.Food nourishes the body and make sure you are mindful of what you eat and don’t multi-task while eating any meal.As tempting it is to have breakfast on the go coordinating driving and eating is not a good idea.Mindful pause throughout the day is a good way for you to constantly check in with yourself as and when you may need. This helps to re-wire your brain and break out of repetitive patterns that are not serving you any good.Mindfullness is just about becoming aware of where you are, what you are doing, without becoming overwhelmed by your surroundings.

There is a tendency for people to suggest – hey do some exercise, yoga and you will feel better.But this is not how self-care works.Its a combination of of hundreds of small acts and an attitude shift.A simple example, cleaning your room would not particularly eliminate your anxiety but it will make the atmosphere healthier and more comfortable to be in.
That’s all folks

I hope you enjoyed reading, love your support and encouragement. I love hearing from you all, comment down below and let me know what you like to carry in your bag.
Much Love